Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Continuing the research on the motorway and its light conditions...the photos above were translated to drawings and then applied onto the model of the motorway...this was done in order to get a better understanding of the site and its conditions

1 comment:

kathyw said...

Hi dasha,

just some comments from today. You have a clear idea of what it is you are mapping, it is not a complex mapping proposition and you have already accessed the data, which is good. It is an ambitious project though in terms of execution. What this artefact looks like, its scale, materiality and the crafting of it as an object will be really important. I suggest that you get into some experimental or draft versions as soon as you can. Take pics of them and get then up on your blog.

Perhaps it does not need to be as large as you think? It is a small space you are considering using. The viewers will be close to it. Also, how will it attach to the wall? Best to think about this now as part of the design of your object. More general comments on the class blog
